Sunday, July 29, 2012

The hydrogen bomb

The hydrogen bomb
Hydrogen bombs is a types of nuclear weapons and is precisely the type of nuclear fusion, also known as H-bomb or thermonuclear bomb. Manufacture these bombs by stimulating the process of nuclear fusion between the isotopes of chemical elements to the element hydrogen, particularly isotopes tritium (Tritium) and deuterium (Deuterium) which result from the union of these two isotopes of hydrogen atom helium with neutron extra and have helium resulting from this process heavier mass of the helium natural and measured force of the bomb hydrogen Balmija tons (million tons of TNT. and speed up this union requires huge amounts of heat came the naming of nuclear bombs heat. produced by the explosion of the hydrogen bomb intense heat and vibration of a huge and strong winds high speed and the emission of massive radiation, particularly gamma rays.

There is still controversy about the reach of first time to the invention of this type of bombs. As it is in a period of time very close in 1955, claimed Andre Sakrov of the Soviet Union, Edward Teller and Stanislaw Ulam with the United States Pachtrallm for the first hydrogen bomb

I have encountered scientists in the beginning a number of problems to convert the dream of a hydrogen bomb to the fact, and summarize it as follows: The process of integration of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms or isotopes require the presence of high temperatures such as those in the core of the sun, so the scientists to provide this heat by causing nuclear fission chain using (uranium 235 or element above uranium, plutonium ...), but impossible for them almost limited to the heat great, and the solutions they worked out to jump over this problem is to use the inventory process electro-magnetic to separate the plasma high temperature of the container for a period sufficient to induce nuclear fusion.

Explain some of the terminology difficult in the article: gamma rays: are electromagnetic waves (photons transmitted in the form of waves) with wavelength is very small (less than 1 nm) exclusively electromagnetic: the Isra magnetic field in the walls of the container to keep the plasma from the walls of the container (repel each other with ) container: here we mean the room that make the nuclear fusion. Plasma is a mixture of protons (nuclei of hydrogen atoms) and the nuclei of deuterium atoms and Aaktronat ... However, this remains a deadly weapon does not use prohibited in war is very difficult to control it even more of the atomic bomb, but it is exciting because he does not leave nuclear waste lasts for a long time to reverse the nuclear bomb which the half-life to waste a few thousand years.
The bomb light of the greatest means of killing lethal and effective.


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